They go again another pointless game. Another pointless game between two teams I don't like. all I can say is I hope the commercials are good!! Lol anyways it's Sunday morning, and it's time to make breakfast!! Bacon egg and cheese here I come. Rah! Rah!
All I did this weekend was rest, and played words with friends which is very addicting, especially when you play good people :) I am really not looking forward to work this week. Work is getting really long and hard "that's what she said" lol I think I work too much, after two years I finally admit to this!! Haha
Time to make the donuts!! Happy blogging people!? I'm out!!
Don’t know about an addiction, but Words With Friends is a great way to pass the time. Better than watching TV. … WHAT AM I SAYING! … There’s nothing better than TV, but I’ve come up with a great way to build your WWF skills and have fun with TV trivia at my blog. Let me know what you think of it. Go Giants!
Okay, when it comes to TV, an addict I am. Hello my name is Leona.
nice blog Leona, I like the concept.. very entertaining