Monday, January 30, 2012

YouTube Videos Of The Week

State of the Union Address

Cars sliding and crashing

Coming Soon

Sh*t ____ say!!!

Sexy Celebrities When They Were Young

Beyonce Knowles

                                                      Catherine Zeta Jones

Charlize Theron

Jennifer Anniston

Jennifer Lopez

Alyssa Milano

Angelina Jolie

Halle Berry

Milla Jovovich

Gwen Stefani


Miranda Kerr

Keira Knightely

Taylor Swift

Natalie Portman

Scarlett Johansson

Jessica Biel


Hayden Panettiere

Well thats it for now!!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Couple names baby girl after ‘Like’ feature on Facebook

A couple from Israel has named their newborn daughter 'Like' after the social networking feature on Facebook.
The girl's new moniker was inspired by a button which allows users to express their endorsement of photos, status updates and links.
Lior Alder and his wife Vardit live in the town of Hod Hasharon just outside Tel Aviv and said they wanted a name for their daughter that was 'modern and innovative'.
They succeeded in choosing an original name, with their child reportedly the first and only person in the country with the name 'Like'.
[See also: Egyptian man names daughter 'Facebook']
"In our opinion it's the modern equivalent of the name Ahava [Love]," Adler told Israeli newspaper Maariv.
"It's just my way of saying to my fantastic daughter, 'Love'."
The most common names for girls in Israel are Noa, Maya and Tamar, according to the Haaretz newspaper.
The parents have a fondness for innovative names. One of their daughters is named Pie — after the popular British food, while their other daughter is named Vash, which is honey in Hebrew.
Reaction to his daughter's name has been mixed, Adler said.
"When I posted her picture and name on Facebook I got 40 'likes'," he said.
"Considering that I have only a little more than 100 friends on the network that's a lot."
Not everyone was keen on the name and some friends "simply didn't believe it," Adler said.
"I believe there will be people who will lift an eyebrow ... but it is my girl and that's what's fun about it.

Pat Sajak: Vanna White and I were drunk on "Wheel of Fortune"

"Wheel of Fortune" host Pat Sajak has said in a broadcast interview that he and fellow host Vanna White were drunk when they taped some early episodes of the show, but that he is too old for that now.
The 65-year-old Sajak made the revelation in an appearance earlier this week on cable network ESPN2's show "Dan Le Batard is Highly Questionable."
"When I first started and was much younger and could tolerate those things, we had a different show then," Sajak said in the broadcast interview.
Sajak explained that during the production of those "Wheel of Fortune" shows, he and co-host Vanna White would take two and a half-hour breaks while prizes were loaded onto the set in Burbank, California. So, they would go to a nearby restaurant and have "great margaritas," he said.
"Vanna and I would go across and have two or three or six (margaritas), and then come and do the last shows and have trouble recognizing the alphabet," Sajak said on the program.
Sajak further explained that he no longer mixes alcohol and his hosting duties.
"Now, if I were to inhale the cork and a bottle of wine I would probably keel over, I'm getting a little older for this," he said.
Sajak and White have hosted "Wheel of Fortune" since 1983.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Demi Moore seeks help for exhaustion, health issues

Because of the stresses in her life right now, Demi has chosen to seek professional assistance to treat her exhaustion and improve her overall health. She looks forward to getting well and is grateful for the support of her family and friends," Moore's spokeswoman said in a statement to Reuters.

The statement follows media reports that Moore was rushed to hospital on Monday night after paramedics were called to her Los Angeles home. Celebrity news website cited substance abuse as the cause, but that could not be confirmed.

Moore's representatives declined any further comment beyond the written statement.

"Ghost" star Moore, 49, filed for divorce from 33-year-old "Two and A Half Men" actor Kutcher in November 2011, after a San Diego woman went public about a brief fling she had with Kutcher.

John Travolta's stolen vintage Mercedes recovered in pieces

Travolta's convertible 1970 Mercedes-Benz 280-SL vanished from the street in Santa Monica while the "Pulp Fiction" star was visiting a nearby Jaguar dealership in September.

Michael Green, 58, and D.L. Rayford, 52, were taken into custody in December by members of a law enforcement task force investigating a sophisticated car-theft ring, Santa Monica police Sergeant Richard Lewis said.

"Through the collaborative efforts of investigators ... two individuals were identified as suspects relating to the theft of Mr. Travolta's Mercedes, and were arrested by investigators from the task force," Lewis said.

Lewis said leads developed following the theft led investigators to a "chop shop," where stolen vehicles were found, including parts of the actor's car.

"It was not recovered in whole, it was chopped," Lewis said. "We have numerous pieces recovered but not the entire car."

He said the arrests were not announced earlier to avoid compromising a larger investigation into the car theft ring.

Both Green and Rayford were charged with grand theft auto, a Los Angeles County District Attorney's spokeswoman said.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

some funny stuff

rugrats the movie


Giffords to resign from Congress

You kinda knew this was going to happen. I really think this lady as a lot of courage. She is an idol of mine

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords says she is stepping down from Congress this week to focus on her recovery from the shooting last January that shocked the nation.
The Arizona Democrat, 41, was shot in the head at point-blank range as she was meeting with constituents at a Tucson grocery store. Six people were killed in the rampage and 13 people were wounded, including Giffords.

other news...

Joe Paterno, revered coach tainted by scandal, dies

Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, the winningest coach in major college football history who was fired in November over a child sexual abuse scandal involving an assistant that rocked America, died on Sunday of lung cancer. He was 85.

South Carolina chooses Newt

but I hope the rest of the country dpesnt when it matters the most, but out of all of the republicans he is the best. I always say " If you cant beat them, atleast pick the best one for the job"

Well thats it for now folks;

I figured I would leave you with some new Bruce Spingsteen....
New album  "Wrecking Ball" comes out March 6th.

The Boss put a lot of work in this album,
Says Springsteen's manager, Jon Landau, in a statement on the artist's website, "Bruce has dug down as deep as he can to come up with this vision of modern life. The lyrics tell a story you can't hear anywhere else and the music is his most innovative in recent years."


the great debate

Over or Under
Via: Engineering Degree

Saturday, January 21, 2012


      (If not, how long can you live?)
      "If I eat only healthy foods, if I exercise, if I never smoke or drink or use drugs, if I sleep right, if I get good medical care, if I control my weight, if I control stress, if I keep good social relations, if I keep a healthy mental attitude, if I never have an accident, if I stay excited about life - in short, if I inherited the best genes and take perfect care of myself,
      Can I Live Forever?
      And If Not,
      How Long Can I Live?"
      How long is it possible for a human being to live? What is our Maximum Potential Lifespan (the longest a human being can live)? And, perhaps as important: can we influence the length, and the quality, of our lives?
      Since every human being that has ever been born, unless dying prematurely, has gotten old and died, the history of man shows us very clearly, that our life span so far has proven to be limited. This limit has been measured in terms that have generally been accepted by the communities of the gerontological, biological and anthropological sciences.
      Richard G. Cutler at the Gerontology Research Center, Baltimore City Hospital, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health has calculated the maximum life span for about 150 extinct mammalian species, and has also assessed the genetic potentials and traced the progress of the evolution of the Maximum Potential Lifespan of man.
      The first truly human species was Homo habilis which emerged from Australopithecus africanus about 1.8 million years ago. Homo Sapiens evolved about 100,000 years ago. The Maximum Potential Life Span of our species was increasing at a very fast rate until about 100,000 years ago when the increase suddenly stopped, and has since remained fixed at about 120 years.
      What Is The Longest Known Lifespan?
      You have undoubtedly read about claims of unusually long life by various individuals and societies, such as the three areas of the world where claims of unusually long life abound.
      1. The Abkhasians in the Caucasus Mountains of Soviet Georgia. (The most famous)
      2. The Vilcabambans in the Ecuadorian Andes.
      3. The Hunzas in the Karakorum Mountains of Kashmir in West Pakistan’s

      The claims of 150 plus years among the Abkhasians have all been proven false though, by two men named Zhores Medvedev, a leading Russian investigator of aging, and Alexander Leaf of the Harvard Medical School. These two researchers investigated, and they found falsification of birth dates and ages for such reasons as the avoidance of military service, and the promotion of tourism. They had adopted their father’s identities.
      It is interesting to note, however, that these three areas all have an unusually large number of people over the age of 100, and they all are also hilly country where the people walk instead of ride. They also all have diets high in vegetables and grains, and low in meats.
      As of the completion of this writing, the longest proven life span in the history of mankind is that of Jeanne Louise Calment. She was born in France on February 21, 1875 and died in August, 1997 at the age of 121 years six months. As of this writing, the longest lived person in the United Stated was Carrie White, who was born on November 18, 1874 and died on February 14, 1991 at the age of 116 years, 88 days.
      Besides the idea of our Maximum Potential Lifespan (the longest anyone can live) of about 120 years, we also talk about your own Life Expectancy (how long we will probably live) within our 120 year maximum potential.
      Can we control our own Life Expectancy - how long we will probably live, within our 120-year Maximum Potential Lifespan?
      The medical and biological sciences have shown that we can control, to a significant degree, not only the length but also the quality of our life. Although we cannot at present extend our Maximum Potential Lifespan of about 120 years, we can influence how many of our 120 years we do live. And research is going on around the world to try to learn how to extend our lives beyond 120 years - healthy, attractive, and youthful.
      At present, Genetic Engineering appears to hold the best answer, especially after we complete a "map" of where each of the genes are on each of our chromosomes Mapping the Human Genome).
      The average life expectancy of the cave man was about 16 years. In 500 BC the average life expectancy was about 20 years. In 400 AD it was 35 years. In 1900 it was 47 years. In 1930 it was 59 years. By 1975 it had advanced to about 71 years, and in 1989 it had advanced to 74 years for men and 78 years for women. Speculatively, by the year 2,010 it might be 100 years. During all of these times the Maximum Potential Lifespan remained at about 120 years, and has not increased.
      The major differences in lifestyle and the hardship factors alone make the reasons for the difference in life expectancy during the nineteenth century pretty obvious. Pre-natal care, post-natal care, better quality child protection and care, much easier and less exposed living conditions, better nutrition, and better medical care account for much of the difference in life expectancy between then and now.
      The extraordinary increase in average life expectancy in the U.S. during the nineteenth century though, is due mainly to advances in sanitation, public health, and medicine. At all age levels, prevention and cure have played a major part. The adoption of sterilization techniques by doctors drastically reduced the deaths of women in childbirth. Treatment for some childhood diseases such as measles, polio, chicken pox, whooping cough, and bacterial infections helped to sharply reduce the deaths of infants and children. Tuberculosis has been virtually eradicated. Medical science has truly advanced dramatically during the nineteenth century. It has been said that if a medical doctor fell asleep in the year 1900 and woke up in 1930, he would still have been able to practice medicine. But if a doctor fell asleep in 1930 and awoke in 1960, he would have had about the same knowledge as a first year medical student.
      The medical and health literature is filled with research results and instructions for optimizing our lifespan and the quality of that life, by following healthy lifestyle habits. The American Heart Association, The American Lung Association, The American Cancer Society, and many other such quality organizations regularly distribute information describing research-based methods for protecting our health, and optimizing our life expectancy. Based on this and other information, insurance companies gamble billions of dollars per year that they can accurately predict the length of your life, and they win.
      They base their life insurance programs on factors of heredity, and of lifestyle. Cuna Mutual Insurance Group of Madison, Wisconsin circulated an At-Home Longevity Test, as a part of a sales packet. In order to determine your own life expectancy, it provided a questionnaire, and 24 of the 29 questions relate to lifestyle, with 5 relating to heredity. So lifestyle practices are well established as major determinants of how long we can expect to live within our 120 year maximum, and also of the quality of that life.
      And this book, HOW TO LIVE THE LONGEST LIFE POSSIBLE, is designed to help you to live to your Maximum Potential Lifespan, healthy, attractive, and youthful. One of the reasons this book is needed is because of the low quality and so often erroneous information with which we are constantly bombarded.
      For example, in a wide variety of media recently, we read and heard that we must ingest large amounts of Calcium in order to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis) as we age, especially for women. So, many people are ingesting large amounts of Calcium supplements. Is this healthy? Perhaps not. The New England Journal of Medicine provides very important research-based information, but it will reach relatively few eyes and ears: The form of Calcium supplementation is important. Calcium carbonate causes kidney stones, and calcium gluconate tablets are too large to swallow comfortably for many people. Calcium citrate might be the best form of calcium supplement. And although ingestion of adequate amounts of Calcium is necessary for normal bone-forming activities, larger doses will not slow bone loss. Excess Calcium ingestion causes calcification of the heart valves, and kidney stones. So, about 800 mg. per day of calcium citrate (about 1500 mg. per day for women after menopause) appears to be the best form. Of course, only your doctor can determine the best amount and form for you.
      Also, moderate stress on the bones (such as during exercise) has been shown to deter bone loss by stimulating the action of bone forming cells. For this reason, swimming does little to fight osteoporosis because it places little stress on the bones. Walking, jogging, and weight training do more to prevent osteoporosis.
      Also, some simple facts are not commonly known, such as the fact known in geriatric medicine but not widely disseminated, that straining at the stool in earlier years (pushing too hard while on the toilet) can cause many cases of diverticular disease, hemorrhoids, and incontinence later in life.
      Also important is the fact that many popular myths need to be exposed, dispelling the sometimes terrifying fears which arise from some of the myths. Perhaps the most significant factors regarding the lack of information and the bad information that are common, are the detriments to health and longevity that are accruing at this moment to those lacking accurate information. Even a main points summary of reliable information affecting Biological, Psychological, and Sociological well-being such as is included in this book might improve the quality and the length of life for many people, immediately!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Costa Concordia Cruise Disaster: Husband Sacrifices Life Jacket For Wife, Disappears Into Water


He did what any husband would have done for his wife.

As the Costa Concordia cruise ship went down off the west coast of Italy Jan. 13, Nicole Servel's husband, Francis, gave her the only life jacket they had, reports.

That was the last she saw of him.

"I owe my life to my husband," Servel, 61, told the news outlet, explaining she doesn't know how to swim.

Just hours after it departed, the cruise ship hit rocks, forcing passengers to evacuate. According to CNN, direction from the ship's crew was unclear, so many passengers took matters into their own hands, frantically rushing to secure life vests for themselves. The news source goes on to describe people frantically jumping into the water and lifeboats -- loaded with passengers -- stuck atop the icy water, helpless.

Nicole Servel blames the loss of her husband on the ship's crew, some of whom saved themselves without helping any passengers, Emirates 24/7 reports.

Conversely, BBC reports that Captain Francesco Schettino claims he didn't leave the ship until it was evacuated.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

in other news

The Giants spank the Packers in real slobber knocker!!
score was 37 to 20... to me thats a slaughter!! This is quite a shocker! Actually now a days nothing seems to surprise me.. Truthfully I didnt watch it 

I was too busy watching 
incase you dont know what this is a Pic of.. 

Movie was flipping great!! Im not a Big ..... whats his name?? o yea.. Jamie Foxx, but yea... this movie is so true.. The law system sucks and if you play it right you can walk while being a murder.. Something to think about.. Sike!! maybe

So in other news

Golden Globes 2012

All the stars were there to find out this....

Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer, "Beginners"
Best Actress TV Series - Comedy: Laura Dern, "Enlightened"
Best Miniseries: "Downton Abbey"
Best Actress - Miniseries: Kate Winslet, "Mildred Pierce"
Best Actor TV Series - Drama: Kesley Grammer, "Boss"
Best TV Seres - Drama: "Homeland"
Best Original Score: Ludovic Bource, "The Artist"
Best Original Song: "Masterpiece," Madonna from "W.E."
Best Actor - Miniseries: Idris Elba, "Luther"
Best Actress - Musical or Comedy: Michelle Williams, "My Week With Marilyn"
Best Supporting Actor - TV Series, Miniseries, Movie: Peter Dinklage, "Game of Thrones"
Best Animated Feature: "The Adventures of Tintin"
Best Screenplay: Woody Allen, "Midnight in Paris"
Best Actress TV - Drama: Jessica Lange, "American Horror Story"
Best Foreign Language Film: "A Separation"
Best Actress TV - Drama: Claire Danes, "Homeland"
Best Actor TV - Comedy: Matt LeBlanc, "Episodes"

 and also......

Laura Kaeppeler, Miss Wisconsin, Wins Miss America 2012 Pageant In Vegas

I'd do her


Nothing ever happens to the way I want it

This weekend absolutely sucked. I came to realize the people I know or might you say have known in the past are complete assholes. It took me 10 years to realize this. Why do I care so much? please tell me this?  I personally think I need to press a reset button to start this whole life thing over again.. is there one? if so send me the link and I will be all over it like white on rice... Anyways Im not always going to use this blog thing as a rant page... I actually had other plans for it but lost interest for a little bit... Thats my ADD or depression kicking in .. gotta love it.. O well fuck it no one cares about me anyway and Im really having trouble caring about myself anymore...  I have a lot to think about

happy blogging

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The taco mishap

I just went to Taco Bell today and ordered 3 tacos at the drive-through. When I got to the cashier she told me to pull to the side. I waited a minute. When the boy gave me the bags I ended up getting 10 soft tacos and 10 hard tacos. It's my lucky day I guess anybody want a taco? Ha ha ha I know some kid's probably going to get fired, but it's his fault not mine. The highlight of my day. How pathetic

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel Engaged

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are engaged. Us Weekly reports that the "Sexy Back" singer proposed to Biel in late December, while vacationing in Jackson, Wyoming -- a testament to Biel's love for snowboarding and the mountains.

The pair's relationship first came to light in 2007, when Timberlake, 30, and Biel, 29, were spotted together in Utah at the Sundance Film Festival. The pair remained one of the most visible couples in Hollywood until last March, when they decided to take a three-month break. But destiny is destiny, and by the fall they were together again, even double-dating with Biel's parents in October.

"When they reunited, they had a conversation about taking the next step," an insider told the magazine.

Just last month, the pair were more than cozy at a dinner for luxury leather brand Tod's at the Chateau Marmont. Meanwhile, rumors of an engagement first surfaced in mid-December, when it was reported that Timberlake had proposed to Biel while at the five-star Amangani Resort in Wyoming; those rumors may prove to have been well-founded.

In June, the typically private Timberlake made it clear to Vanity Fair that Biel still held a special place in his heart -- even though at the time the pair had called it quits.

"She is the single-handedly most significant person in my life ... In my 30 years, she is the most special person, ok? I just don't want to say much more, because I have to protect things that are dear to me - for instance, her," he said.

HuffPost Celebrity has reached out to Timberlake and Biel's reps for comment.

Rosie O'Donnell Turned Away At Diddy's New Year's Eve Party

At least one celebrity was in for a rude surprise on New Year's Eve when they were denied entrance to a posh party in Miami. The New York Post reports that Rosie O'Donnell's party plans for the night turned disastrous when she was turned away from Sean "Diddy" Comb's Ciroc bash by bouncers at the door when the television host showed up with an entourage of six people -- despite being invited by the man himself.

While the typically outspoken O'Donnell remained mum about the scenario on her Twitter, Diddy's reps say the hip hop mogul was "completely unaware" of the incident and feels "terrible" about it. O'Donnell, who recently became engaged to girlfriend Michelle Rounds, had mentioned the Diddy party on her Twitter page earlier in the evening but made no mention about where the actual counting-down took place.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

iPhone 4S Beats Out Lumia 800 in testing

sorry about the music in the video hahaha

Have you been wondering which mobile browser is the fastest of late? It would be an understandable thing to pontificate, seeing that Android takes the cake when it comes to LTE support, iOS has the class-leading dual-core A5 chip on its side, and Windows Phone’s IE mobile browser is basically a beast. It’s a worthwhile question, to say the least. Luckily MyNokiablog noticed a YouTube video uploaded by user 359gsm, in which the iPhone 4S, the Lumia 800, and an iPhone 4 (running iOS 4.3) are put through the ringer. The specific definition of ringer: Browsermark, Speed Reading, Sunspider, Acid3, and HTML5 tests. Since the headline already spoiled the ending, I don’t feel bad mentioning that the iPhone 4S pretty much wiped the floor with the other two. It only makes sense if you take a look under the hood — the Lumia 800 features a single-core processor compared to the iPhone 4S’s dual-core A5 chip. In some instances, WP7′s IE mobile browser beat out Safari in iOS 4.3 (it’s very unclear why the user tested the iPhone 4 while it was running an older version of iOS). As RedmondPie notes, real-world testing can be very different. In our review of the Windows Phone 7.5-powered Samsung Focus Flash, I found that it beat out my iPhone 4S a number of times.

Bob Anderson, "Darth Vader" dies

Olympic fencer and movie sword master Bob Anderson appeared in some of film's most famous dueling scenes – though few viewers knew it. Anderson, who has died at age 89, donned Darth Vader's black helmet and fought light saber battles in two of the three original "Star Wars" films, "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi."
Anderson, who worked with actors from Errol Flynn to Antonio Banderas during five decades as a sword master, fight director and stunt performer, died early New Year's Day at an English hospital, the British Academy of Fencing said Monday.Vader, "Star Wars'" intergalactic arch-villain, was voiced by James Earl Jones and played by six foot six (1.98 meter) former weightlifter David Prowse, but Anderson stepped in during the key fight scenes.David Prowse wasn't very good with a sword and Bob couldn't get him to do the moves," said Anderson's former assistant, Leon Hill. "Fortunately Bob could just don the costume and do it himself."The scenes worked beautifully, although Anderson, then nearing 60, was several inches shorter than Prowse.Few knew of Anderson's role until Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker, said in a 1983 interview that "Bob Anderson was the man who actually did Vader's fighting."
"It was always supposed to be a secret, but I finally told (director) George (Lucas) I didn't think it was fair any more," Hamill told Starlog magazine. "Bob worked so bloody hard that he deserves some recognition. It's ridiculous to preserve the myth that it's all done by one man."Robert James Gilbert Anderson was born in Hampshire, southern England, in 1922, and was drawn to fencing from an early age."I never took up the sword," he said in an interview for the 2009 documentary "Reclaiming the Blade." "I think the sword took me up."
Anderson joined the Royal Marines before World War II, teaching fencing aboard warships and winning several combined services titles in the sport.He served in the Mediterranean during the war, later trained as a fencing coach and represented Britain at the 1952 Olympics and the 1950 and 1953 world championships.
In the 1950s, Anderson became coach of Britain's national fencing team, a post he held until the late 1970s. He later served as technical director of the Canadian Fencing Association.His first film work was staging fights and coaching Flynn on swashbuckler "The Master of Ballantrae" in 1952.
He went on to become one of the industry's most sought after stunt performers, fight choreographers and sword masters, working on movies including the James Bond adventures "From Russia With Love" and "Die Another Day"; fantasy "The Princess Bride"; Banderas action romps "The Mask of Zorro" and "The Legend of Zorro"; and the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
Fencing academy president Philip Bruce said Anderson was "truly one of our greatest fencing masters and a world-class film fight director and choreographer."Hill remembered him as "a splendid man, a great man who gave so much to fencing that can never be repaid."Anderson is survived by his wife Pearl and three children. Funeral details were not immediately available.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What's the verdict: 'Prometheus' trailer

A teaser clip for Ridley Scott's "Prometheus" has been flying about the Web, drumming up even more anticipation for the movie's summer release.

While this sci-fi thriller may or may not be a prequel to Scott's 1979 "Alien," the Los Angeles Times reports that it is expected to contain some of "Alien's" "original DNA." Entertainment Weekly has helpfully broken down those traits, including the way the titles appear in clips for "Prometheus" and "Alien."

The just-over-a-minute long trailer doesn't tell us much, relying on quick cuts, a pleading apology and a horrified scream to get its point across. We do learn that the story follows a crew of explorers who, as the movie's tagline tells us, went looking for the beginning of mankind and stumbled upon something that "could be our end."

Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender, Patrick Wilson, Guy Pearce and Idris Elba star in this flick, which opens June 8, 2012.

Maker to unveil world's largest OLED TV

Korean electronics company LG caused a worldwide stir when it announced its 55-inch OLED panel last week, and now the company has rolled out two more pictures that show you what kind of remarkable TV set this is going to be.

How groundbreaking is this TV, anyway? If you've ever seen an OLED screen, all of which are much smaller than this one, you'll know how outlandishly vibrant its colors are. And an OLED screen can be impossibly thin.
For instance, the one you see here is only 4mm thick -- take a look at the right side of the picture and you'll see the woman's finger pointing at the edge of the screen.
On its official LG UK Blog, LG says this screen's color is even more vibrant because of its four-color pixels, making its picture more natural and accurate than other OLEDs. Each tiny pixel emits red, green, blue and white, instead of the red/green/blue used in the pixels of other OLED sets and most other TV sets manufactured today.
Does that make a noticeable difference? We'll take a close look at this screen and others like it at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) next week and give you our first-hand impressions.
The OLED screen (organic light-emitting diode, read more about OLED technology here) is nothing new, but here's the innovation: Until now, it's been difficult to create the screens in a size this big, at a reasonable cost and with a long-enough lifespan. The problem with this announcement is, LG is not saying when this screen will be available, how much it will cost, or how long it will last.
So will this be yet another spectacular CES demo of a product that will never make it into the homes of real-world consumers?
From what we've seen, LG is serious about its OLED manufacturing, where it invested $226 million in mid-2010 to create a new production facility, tripling its OLED capacity. Many other manufacturers are whispering about OLED screens. There are already smaller OLED screens available now, albeit at exorbitant prices. There are small OLED screens on millions of smartphones. This is not science fiction, folks.
The promising fact: huge OLED screens can be printed onto razor-thin surfaces using a process akin to an inkjet printer, theoretically making them even cheaper to produce than today's LCD and plasma screens.
And the screens have much faster response time, with refresh rates that could (again, theoretically) reach 100,000 Hz. They're brighter, lighter (this 55-inch screen weighs 16.5 lb), and can even be flexible.
No question about it: You're looking at the TV the future, and the question is not if we'll see these screens available in large sizes and affordable prices, but when.

Stars we lost in 2011

Pete Postlethwaite
British actor Peter Postlethwaite died of cancer January 3. The Oscar nominee starred in "Inception," "Romeo + Juliet" and the second "Jurassic Park." Steven Spielberg reportedly called him the "best actor in the world." He was 64

Nate Dogg

Hip-hop star Nate Dogg, born Nathaniel Hale, died March 15 after complications from multiple strokes. He collaborated on several hits with artists like Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and 50 Cent. He was 41

Elizabeth Taylor
Regarded as one of the world's most legendary actresses, Elizabeth Taylor died March 23 after being hospitalized for six weeks with congestive heart failure. The two-time Oscar winner was known for her iconic movies, much-admired beauty and charitable acts. She was 79.

Clarence Clemons

Clarence Clemons, the legendary E Street Band saxophone player and actor, died from a stroke on June 18. He was 69.

Peter Falk
Peter Falk, who played TV detective Lt. Columbo, died June 23. He was 83. The renowned actor earned two Oscar nominations and starred in many movies and plays such as "The In-Laws" and "The Princess Bride." 

Amy Winehouse
Singer Amy Winehouse was found dead July 23 in her London apartment. The 27-year-old performer infamous for her arrests and substance abuse problems died of alcohol poisoning. 

Steve Jobs

Apple co-founder and Chairman Steve Jobs died October 5. Jobs was known as a visionary who helped craft the world's leading tech company. After battling pancreatic cancer and various other health issues, Jobs' family said he "died peacefully ... surrounded by his family." He was 56. 

Well I could put many more, but that all I can think of from the top of my head. Yea well Heres to 2011 and lets welcome 2012. Hopefully I wont do one of these posts at the end of this year, but I will proabably. Take care